All You Need to Know about BABA Doula Services & Hypnobirthing
What is the difference between a doula and a midwife?
A doula does not give medical advice, nor do they undertake examinations or perform any other clinical task, unlike a midwife. Doula's can provide continuous support, physical support and emotional support. They can signpost you to relevant information and support you in making informed decisions.
Can a Doula make decisions for me?
No a doula cannot make decisions for you, but I can provide you with all the information that you need to be able to make your own informed decisions or choices. I can also signpost you to the correct information or professional to support you with your care.
Is it worth hiring a doula and an independent midwife?
Yes, hiring a doula and hiring an independent midwife can be very beneficial. An independent midwife will manage your clinical care needs and ensures the mother and baby are safe during labour, birth and postpartum. A doula will offer emotional, physical and informational support. Hiring both professionals, ensures continuity of care emotionally, physically and medically.
How much does a doula cost in the UK?
The cost of a doula in the UK varies from doula to doula. Depending on what type of doula you want and the type of doula package that you need, the price of a doula in the UK can vary. I offer fertility, antenatal, birth and postnatal doula support and I offer different doula support packages and prices, to match your needs. Different doula's also charge different prices, based on their experience and what is included in their packages. Check out different doula's, to see which one aligns with you and offers you the best package for what you need.
What are your interactions with medical staff like?
I can help you to communicate with your midwife and medical care givers and ensure that you have all of the information that you need to make informed decisions.
If I have a doula, does that guarantee that I will have the birth that I want?
No, unfortunately not. I cannot not guarantee that your birth will go as planned, but having a doula makes it more likely that you will have a positive birth experience. Evidence suggests that with the help of a doula, you are more likely to avoid pain relief, a caesarean birth, at less risk of needing intervention or induction and more likely to have a much less stressful birth.
How will hiring a doula affect my birth partner’s role during the birth?
I like to make sure that partners are supported just as much as the woman, during labour, birth and beyond. I do not come between you and your partner but act as support for both of you. The presence of a doula removes the sole responsibility of the labour off the shoulders of your partner or other supporting people, allowing them to enjoy the whole birth process. I can help them to feel calm and informed, giving them ideas to continue supporting from beginning to end. I am there to provide support to both of you, at all times. Sometimes a partner likes to stay by the mother’s side during the whole of labour, while others prefer to take a break. I will offer support to both of you in whatever way you desire. After the birth, partners often feel like they too need to reflect and debrief, particularly if the birth didn't go quite as planned. Or being a new parent can be just as daunting for the partner, as it can be for the mother. I am there to support both of you.
When is the best time to hire a doula?
As soon as you decide that you would like a doula, contact me and we will discuss your individual needs and requirements. We can start your sessions from as early in pregnancy as you wish, but the ideal time is around 20 weeks gestation. It is also never too late to prepare for birth or hire a birth or postnatal doula. So, contact me at any time of your pregnancy or postnatal period and we can have a chat about what support you are looking for.
What Covid 19 safety measures will you follow?
I am fully vaccinated, having received both of my Covid 19 vaccinations and 2 boosters. I carry out rapid lateral flow tests frequently and I am happy to wear a face covering in your home, to keep you, your family and myself safe. I will also ensure that I am washing my hands and sanitising regularly.
Is hypnobirthing different to antenatal classes?
Yes, a hypnobirthing course is different to an antenatal class, although they do have some topics that overlap. Antenatal classes, such as a NCT antenatal class and hypnobirthing courses work really well alongside each. On a hypnobirthing course, you will learn about creating a positive mindset for birth and about the mind, body connection. You will learn calm breathing techniques to help you during labour and birth and you will learn relaxation techniques, to help to reduce any fears that you might have around birth.
Is BABA Doula Services & Hypnobirthing located in West Yorkshire?
Yes! I am an antenatal, birth and postnatal doula and hypnobirthing instructor based in Leeds, near Wakefield, West Yorkshire. I offer face to face support, where I am happy to travel anywhere within the Yorkshire and surrounding area and I offer online support too, for anyone living further afield and anywhere in the world.
What kind of births do doula's support?
Doula's support all kinds of births. I support vaginal births, caesarean section births, induced births, home births, water births, hospital births. Whatever birth you choose or need, I will support your decision.
I am having a caesarean birth, can I still have a doula?
Yes, hiring a doula for a c-section birth can still be beneficial. Having a doula by your side before going into theatre or being your birth partner in theatre can really help you remain calm and relaxed and help you to have a positive birth experience.
Can doulas offer breastfeeding support?
Yes, doulas can offer breastfeeding support. I am happy to support you on however you plan to feed your baby. Whether you plan/are exclusively breastfeeding, bottle feeding, combination feeding, formula feeding or expressing milk. It is your decision on how you feed your baby, but sometimes it can be tricky to figure it all out. Breastfeeding is a skill that you and your baby need to learn and although it is a natural process, it does need practice, patience and sometimes support. I can observe your breastfeeds and help you to get a good latch. I can tell you about good feeding positions, things to look for when breastfeeding and how to tell if your baby is getting enough milk. I can signpost you to useful sources of information on breastfeeding and answer any questions you might have about your nipples and breasts.
What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is for everyone, for every type of birth and allows you and your birth partner to feel prepared for birth. Hypnobirthing can be used as a form of comfort management, a way to feel calm, relaxed, empowered, confident and in control of your birth. It includes a variety of techniques, from breathing techniques, visualisation and relaxation. It is about changing the mindset of birth and the mind body connection. Hypnobirthing works on the part of the brain called the unconscious or subconscious brain. This part of the brain stores a lot of our thoughts about birth, often negative and by applying hypnobirthing techniques, it can help us approach birth with a more positive mindset. During the practise of hypnobirthing, you will not feel out of control or have the urge to run around like a headless chicken, contrary to what you might have seen on TV. You will be fully aware of your surroundings and you will be feeling relaxed and comfortable throughout. The course will help you to navigate the maternity system, make informed decisions about your birth and feel more in control, by being aware of your choices.
When is the best time to start a hypnobirthing class?
It is never too late to start hypnobirthing. However, the idea time is to start a hypnobirthing class, when you are between 20-35 weeks of pregnancy. If you are approaching your given due date, you could opt to do my essentials hypnobirthing course. This is a shorter version of the full course and is a more condensed version, giving you the essentials of a hypnobirthing course, so that you can still benefit from all the amazing things that hypnobirthing can offer.
Does Hypnobirthing work?
Many women and birth partners will tell you that hypnobirthing worked for them and without it, they wouldn't have had the positive, empowering birth experience that they had. I can't guarantee that hypnobirthing will give you the painless, drug free, vaginal birth that you planned, but it will certainly give you the advantage and better odds, compared to if you didn't do a hypnobirthing course. Hypnobirthing works best when it is practised regularly during pregnancy. My courses will not only teach you calm, relaxing breathing techniques, that have been proven to calm the body, but it will also teach you about how the body works during labour and how to have the birth experience that is right for you and your baby, regardless of any other influences. You will be able to make informed decisions and learn how to be able to advocate for yourself. There really isn't anything to lose, because even if you don't have the birth that you planned, hypnobirthing will help you to remain calm, if a bump in the road occurs and help you to be able to make choices that are right for you. Plus, the skills that you learn on a hypnobirthing course, are skills for life. So, you and your birth partner will be able to use them in any anxious situation that you might find yourself in, way into the future. E.g. dentist appointment, Drs appointment, sporting match, job interview or work presentation.
Does Hypnobirthing speed up labour?
Yes, hypnobirthing can speed up labour. The reason why hypnobirthing can speed up labour, is because you will learn various hypnobirthing techniques to reduce fear and keep you feeling calm and relaxed. You will learn how the birthing hormones work and by being able to feel calm and relaxed, this will help the uterus to contract better and more regularly during labour, helping labour to progress. By feeling calm, this will help you to relax and by being relaxed, this will help you to feel more comfortable. Reducing fear during labour this can help speed up labour, reduce pain and lead to a better birth experience.
What are the Disadvantages of Hypnobirthing?
Honestly, there are no disadvantages to Hypnobirthing. Hypnobirthing is suitable for all births, including caesarean sections, induced births, vaginal births, water births, births involving epidurals and instrumental births. No matter what kind of birth you are planning and end up having, a Hypnobirthing course is really going to help you. There are no negative side effects that you will have, by practicing Hypnobirthing. Hypnobirthing is only going to improve your knowledge about birth, the maternity system, create a positive mindset and help you to feel calm, comfortable and in control of your birth. The only small, possible disadvantage that you might encounter when practicing Hypnobirthing, is that your baby could become rather active when you are relaxing. Relaxation is excellent for Mum and baby and many babies love to start wriggling around and kick their Mummy in the ribs when she's trying to rest and relax.
Why would I need a doula?
Having a doula can really help you to plan and prepare for your birth. They can help you to write birth plans, consider all of your options and support you in making informed decisions. Doulas offer continuous support for you and your family, helping you both to have a positive birth experience. They will provide you with coping mechanisms and great birth positions to try. Doulas can also help you to make a postnatal plan and offer antenatal support on how to care for yourself and your baby.
Doulas can attend your labour and birth, helping you and your partner to feel calm, supported and in control. They can advocate for you, help you to establish breastfeeding, if you are planning to breastfeed and safeguard that golden hour post birth.
Postnatally, doulas can offer emotional and physical support. They can help you to get the rest that you need, listen to you without judgement and help around the home. e.g. light housework, cooking meals, doing the laundry.
Everyone deserves a doula!