Client Testimonials

It gives me great joy to be able to support women and families, experience their pregnancy, birth and postnatal period in such a positive way. I’m really proud of my 5 star rated business and I'm especially proud to share some of the positive feedback that I’ve received from my Doula and Hypnobirthing clients.
"Julia did exactly what she said she would; provided moral and emotional support to my husband, offering reassuring words to him throughout, supported me practically and emotionally, and advocated for me. She cooled me down with a flannel, helped me with my breathing exercises, held my leg up while I pushed and cheered me on when I thought I couldn't do it. She was a sensational support from start to finish."
S.W, Leeds Mum
"Julia was hugely knowledgeable and knew everything I could possibly throw at her! She was very empathetic and a huge support when we made hard decisions about when or whether to be induce and she was always on hand. Plus, she's just really lovely to have around, which really helped!"
"Julia was just so lovely and knowledgeable and immediately put us at ease. She felt like a familiar friend who I'd be happy having by my side at this very intimate moment."
"We decided to have a Doula, because I was very nervous about pregnancy, birth and also the transition to motherhood and wanted a bit of extra support. We had a bit of up and down support from our midwife and I wanted someone on hand, that I could trust, throughout the process."
"If you are at all nervous or worried about anything to come, a Doula is worth their weight in gold!"
V.A, Harrogate Mum
"Julia has a calm and comforting presence and she was a great source of support for both myself and my husband."
"Julia is cool, calm and collected. She was friendly and flexible to whatever we needed. She has buckets of emotional intelligence and is an extremely kind person."
"If you are thinking about having a doula, do it! Invest in yourself!"
N.B, Wakefield Mum
"If you are at all anxious about having a baby, then a Doula can be invaluable to help you make decisions, advocate for you during birth, and manage your anxieties.
"Whilst our birth ended with everything we didn't want (epidural, induction and c-section), the tools and support that we gained from having Julia as our Doula, meant that at every stage, we felt in control of what was happening and came out the other end still feeling empowered and like we'd had a hard but good birth. A Doula won't ensure that you have all the outcomes that you want, but they will help you feel in control and empowered, which is the most important thing I believe, when it comes to ensuring a new Mum's mental wellbeing, after giving birth".
"Julia gave us some great resources during our antenatal sessions and always happy to go away and help with any specific queries. She was kind, knowledgeable, friendly and welcoming. She understood our wishes and helped us to navigate all the different potential decisions new parents are faced with."
Alison, Leeds Mum
"Julia was a fabulous birth doula and was able to connect well with us on a friendly, yet professional level. She listened and understood our needs and was able to support us in the way in which we wished. My husband, my Son and I were all comfortable in her presence and she always asked us what we would like and never passed judgement or made us doubt our decisions. Julia very subtly empowered us through the whole process and this led to a great birth experience (despite changing plans last minute) that I will always look back on with positivity".
E.S, Wakefield Mum
"I would recommend a doula to any or my friends or family that are planning to have children in the future. I believe the birth experience is completely different with a doula by your side, guiding you through, step by step. The care that you receive in the NHS is not all-round care or resourceful enough to cater for women's whole birth experience and emotional well-being. I wish we had been aware of what a doula was and what support they can offer, a few years earlier, before the birth of my first child."
E.S, Wakefield Mum
"Julia was able to be on the labour ward the day of the planned c-section and sat and chatted with us, up until I went into theatre and kept us relaxed and reassured. Julia stayed with us after I came out of theatre, up until the evening when I was moved to a different ward for my overnight stay. She offered help with the care of my daughter in terms of holding her, changing her etc and was just there to help out with things whilst I was recovering from the section. It all went very smoothly and felt like a really relaxed and positive experience. The next day Julia came back at visiting hours and stayed with us until I was discharged from hospital in the evening."
E.S, Wakefield Mum
"Julia is a great listener and did not show any judgement. She also offered advice when appropriate, and plenty of encouragement to give me confidence in what I was doing. She has a very calm approach, which is exactly what you need when you are feeling overwhelmed."
B.S, Leeds Mum
"Julia is calm, kind, very knowledgeable and a pleasure to be around. I needed a good listener above all else, and she was certainly that. This is a rare quality nowadays as many people will butt into to give their views/opinions or tell you their own stories. Julia did none of this, and just sat patiently listening when I needed to talk and offered very useful advice and help when I asked for it.
Julia is clearly passionate about what she does and this shows through her actions and also the fact she is also a part of the Leeds Maternity Voices Partnership too."
B.S, Leeds Mum
"Julia was very easy to be around and to open up to. She is a pleasure to have around - like a friend rather than a stranger in my home."
B.S, Leeds Mum
"Julia was very flexible and able to adapt to my agenda - one day we went for a walk, another day she looked after my baby whilst I napped, and she was also able to help me with bathing and a bit of tidying."
A.H, Leeds Mum
"Julia was amazingly non-judgmental and a very good listener. She understood the cultural issues in my family despite not having experienced them herself, and was very easy to talk to. I felt like I had already known her ages, and I wasn’t seeing friends yet so appreciated the support."
A.H, Leeds Mum
"It felt like meeting an old friend, at a very vulnerable time."
"Julia made me feel less invisible and had a wonderful capacity to listen without judgment. I felt I could be myself with her and she made a huge difference to my first month as a mother."
"Invaluable and unique support. A role nobody else could really offer."
A.H, Leeds Mum
"Julia was understanding and gave some views and support without trying to steer us in any specific direction. Generally has a calm and sympathetic disposition."
B.Z, Leeds Dad
"Julia was a huge help practically and emotionally in the early weeks. I'd have no reservations recommending her."
"She was helpful and never pushy or judgemental, and we got along well".
"Julia helped us claw back the bombsite of the first few days".
B.Z, Leeds Dad
"I found it very easy to talk with Julia and she was an attentive listener. She provided me with some useful advice and reassurance and it was really helpful having someone to talk to in the early days after having my baby, when emotions and hormones are at an all time high and sleep is at an all time low!
I appreciated Julia's gentle, non judgemental manner which made me feel at ease".
"Julia was easy going, reliable, empathetic and non judgemental. I found it very easy to talk to her and felt supported. She had a really good knowledge of all things newborn and postnatal related and very helpfully signposted me to some resources. I would recommend Julia to parents wishing to have a Doula support them".
"Fantastic service you provide!"
E.J, Leeds Dad
"Julia was kind, personable and helpful to me and my baby. There were some days where I wouldn't have been able to cope very well, had she have not been here to offer me some relief for a few hours,"
S.C, Leeds Mum
"Julia was so great in her advice and support, thank you so much Julia. She has helped give me confidence in my abilities without making me feel stupid or incompetent. She helped so much when I desperately needed time just for me, even if I was going outside to do a hiit workout during a heatwave! Leo loved being with her and he was always content sleeping on her when he was tiny and I always felt comfortable leaving him with her. Thank you Julia. x"