Private 1-1 Hypnobirthing Courses | Leeds, West Yorkshire, Surrounding Area & Online
It's always all about you...
That's right, my private 1-1 Hypnobirthing courses are always all about you! There is no "one size fits all" and that's why it's important to focus on what's right for YOU. My private 1-1 Hypnobirthing courses are all about your needs and wants, tailored to what you need, designed to be able to help you to have a positive birth experience, however YOU want that to be.
Pregnancy is different for everyone and because every birth is different, this makes a positive birth experience look different to different people too. "A positive birth does not have to be natural or drug-free. It just needs to be from an informed place of positivity and not fear." For some people, the idea of a vaginal birth terrifies them. For some people, the thought of an induction makes them feel so anxious. Whereas for other people, the idea of going over their due date, not being in control and waiting around for labour to start naturally, fills them with dread. For other people, the idea of needing to have a planned caesarean section feels so scary, but makes them feel much more in control. This is why my private 1-1 Hypnobirthing courses are suitable for everyone and for every type of birth.
However you might feel when you think about your upcoming birth, those feelings are valid and my Hypnobirthing courses can help you to manage those feelings in a much more confident and calmer way. With my private Hypnobirthing course being a 1-1 course, this means that I can prepare your mind positively for whatever birth you would like or need and I can also prepare you for the unexpected, should your birth go off plan. This is often where you need to be informed the most and understand your choices more than ever. Birth often doesn't go to plan, but preparing for the unexpected, will enable you to still have a positive experience, where you feel empowered and in control.

"Julia's advice and support has been a God send to us. My fear of childbirth was so extreme, I worried that I'd never get through it. However, we felt informed, safe and guided with her balanced views and compassionate manner and we went on to have our perfect C-section birth. A million thank you's Julia, you have been a blessing to us throughout our pregnancy, birth and beyond!" - Emma, Hypnobirthing Mama

The Power of Hypnobirthing...
All of my hypnobirthing course packages will teach you the tools and techniques that you need, to reduce any fears that you might have about birth and help you to have a positive birth experience, however that might look to you. Whether you are planning a vaginal birth, caesarean birth, drug free birth, homebirth, hospital birth, induced birth, instrumental birth or whether you are wanting an epidural and all the drugs, hypnobirthing tools can be applied and I will show you and you birth partner how. Each session will end with a beautiful, relaxing, hypnosis script - this is where the magic happens and with practice of your hypnobirthing techniques and relaxation MP3's, you start approaching your birth with a more positive mindset.

Do you want to learn how to make your own natural pain relief, that is 200 times stronger than morphine?
During labour, you produce a cocktail of hormones. The key important hormones are called oxytocin and endorphins. Oxytocin helps to make labour start, progress and make surges more effective. Endorphins are those feel-good hormones and are our bodies natural pain relief. Endorphins trigger calm, they increase over time, building as your surges increase and are said to be 200 times stronger than morphine! How amazing is that? However, the other hormone often involved in the birth process, is adrenaline. This is a great hormone to produce if we need to run away from danger and keep ourselves safe, but it's not what we want during labour and birth. Adrenaline causes oxytocin and endorphins to reduce, making labour longer, harder and more intense. We need to keep adrenaline at bay during labour and to do this, we need to keep ourselves calm and reduce fear. How can we do this if we are scared or labour and birth though? We can't just tell yourselves to be calm and it'll happen. Unfortunately our brain is too powerful for that and we need to learn how to take that control back and learn how we can become calm on demand. So, how do we do this? We do a Hypnobirthing class of course! I will teach you all of the tools and techniques that you will need, to boost oxytocin and endorphins, reduce fear, remain calm and increasing your chances of a positive birth experience. This also applies to caesarean births, because oxytocin is just as important during c-section births too.

Private 1-1 Hypnobirthing Courses - West Yorkshire & Online
My private 1-1 hypnobirthing courses take place in the comfort of your own home, within West Yorkshire or online via Zoom and can be at a time that suits you. The ideal time to start a group hypnobirthing course, is between 20 - 35 weeks of pregnancy. However, it is never too early or too late to start a hypnobirthing course. If you are less than 35 weeks pregnant, then I recommend the full hypnobirthing course. If you are over 35 weeks pregnant and would like to do a hypnobirthing course, I offer a private essentials hynobirthing course, which is perfect if you are discovering hypnobirthing later on in your pregnancy. I also offer a private calm caesarean hypnobirthing course, for people who are planning a c-section. For people who have done hypnobirthing before, in a previous pregnancy, then I recommend the refresher hypnobirthing course. Details about all private 1-1 hypnobirthing courses, can be found below.
Private 1-1 Hypnobirthing courses can be booked with a £50 deposit and the remaining balance is to be paid 2 weeks before the start of the class. The remaining balance can be made in installments if you'd prefer.
If you would like to add my Birth Doula Support Package, onto any hypnobirthing course, you can do this, for a £50 discount.
Online antenatal classes can also be added as a bundle, to the essentials or calm caesarean hypnobirthing course (online only).
*If you live within 10 miles of my address (WF3), I do not charge mileage. However, anything over 10 miles is charged at £0.45 per mile. The first 10 miles each way are inclusive of the costs.
Want to know more about hypnobirthing?
If you would like to have a chat with me about my private hypnobirthing courses or if you want to find out more, then please drop me an email and we can arrange to have a free 30 minute Zoom call.