It's so important to do birth preparation when you're pregnant and it's just as important for the birth partner to prepare too.
Being prepared for birth will really help you to have the birth that you desire, teach you techniques on how to remain calm, in control and confident. Your partner being prepared means that they can support you the best that they can during labour, in ways that you choose and can advocate for you if you need them to too. They will be able to remain calm, helping you to remain calm and know exactly what you need, when you need it.
Top Tips For Birth Partners...
Understand how they can support you
What your birth preferences are
What happens during birth
Where your notes are and who to call when you're in labour
Remind you to eat snacks, drink plenty & empty your bladder often, when in labour.
Quickest route to hospital and where to park
Have you downloaded my FREE video guide for birth partners?
Having a good birth partner during labour and birth can really help you to have a positive birth experience. If you would like more tips and support on how you and your birth partner can prepare for birth, contact me to see what different packages I can offer you. I offer a variety of packages, from hypnobirthing courses, to doula support:
Birth Doula - Being present during your birth and supporting you and your birth partner.
Antenatal Doula - Helping you and your birth partner to understand your different birth options and choices. Providing you with information for the 4th trimester or postnatal period.
Postnatal Doula - Supporting you after your baby has been born and providing emotional and physical support.
FULL Hypnobirthing Course, face to face or online (10 hours) - Teaching you hypnobirthing techniques, to help you to feel calm, confident and in control during your birth and to reduce the fear. This can be a group hypnobirthing course or private 1-1.
ESSENTIALS Hypnobirthing Course, face to face or online (5 hours) - A condensed version of the full Hypnobirthing course, for those people finding hypnobirthing close to their due date and with limited time. This course will still teach you all the key elements that you will need to help you to have a positive, fear free, calm birth.
CALM Caesarean Hypnobirthing Course - Hypnobirthing is for all births and this course will help you to prepare for you C-Section and learn hypnobirthing techniques that you can use to reduce any fear and feel calm and relaxed.
REFRESHER Hypnobirthing Course - Face to face or online (2.5 hours) - Perfect for people who have done hypnobirthing before and wanting a refresher course.
It is never too early or too late to prepare for birth, so get in touch if you'd like to arrange a free 30 minute Zoom call with me and see what support I can offer you.
Julia xx