Aromatherapy during childbirth can transform the birth experience for many people. Scientifically proven techniques have shown us that being calm and relaxed during birth can make labour feel more comfortable, shorten labour and increase the chances of having a positive birth experience. Hypnobirthing is a great example of where women have used calm, relaxing tools and techniques to have a positive birth experience and a much quicker and less painful birth. Along with visualisation and relaxation, hypnobirthing uses calm breathing techniques to reduce anxiety and stress in the body. Accompany the calm breathing exercises with aromatherapy and inhaling essential oils whilst breathing calmly, this can be hugely beneficial for women during labour and birth.
Fear-Tension-Pain Cycle
Dr Grantly Dick-Read discovered the Fear-Tension-Pain cycle and this demonstrates how the body responds when we feel fearful. The fear that we feel, creates tension in our body and this tension then creates pain and the pain then creates more fear. As a result, we get stuck in this vicious cycle. The cycle needs to be broken so that instead of feeing scared and anxious, we feel calm and when we feel calm, we feel relaxed and when we feel relaxed we feel comfortable.
What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is where natural essential oils are used to promote emotional and physical well-being. Essential oils during childbirth have unique properties and using the correct essential oil, in the correct measure, can create a calmer environment, aid relaxation, promote focus and concentration, improve mood, anxiety and physical ailments such as nausea, back pain, headaches and tension. Essential oils during birth can also encourage the body's natural labour process.
In 1990, a study was carried out over an eight year period, on 8058 labouring women, in an Oxford Hospital in England. The study used 10 different essential oils on women during labour, to analyse their therapeutic properties for anxiety, nausea, pain and the potential to augment contractions in dysfunctional labours. Over the last 30 years or so, Midwives across the UK, US and Chile have followed clinical evidence based guidance of these 10 essential oils on labouring women and have found only positive results. There were no adverse effects for Mum or baby and only 1% of women experienced mild symptoms of nausea, headache and a rash. The study found that the use of opioid drugs decreased from 6% to 0.2% amongst women using aromatherapy during their labours. A further study in Italy was carried out on 500 women, who used 5 out of the 10 essential oils during labour. They discovered that fewer babies were admitted to NICU versus the control group. This suggests that mothers who are more relaxed during labour, are more likely to decrease stress levels of their baby. (Conrad, 2019).
Aromatherapy During Pregnancy, Labour & Birth
There are various ways that aromatherapy can be used during pregnancy, labour and birth.
Receiving a massage during labour can not only feel relaxing, but by using a few drops of essential oils in a carrier oil when receiving that massage, this can be physically and emotionally therapeutic. Studies have shown that massage during labour can reduce pain and shorten labour. This is due to the relaxation achieved from the massage, reducing muscles tension and allowing contractions to work more effectively and feel more comfortable. Evidence Based Birth (2024), say that "researchers think that massage might work by decreasing cortisol or stress hormones and increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain".
Inhaling a few drops of essential oil from a sniffy pot or gauze, can be a great way to quickly reap the benefits of those essential oils.
Using a diffusers can be a really simple way to create a relaxed environment and fill the room with your chosen essential oil. Of course, you will need to be mindful of other people who are in your room space, who will also be able to smell the essential oil in the diffuser. Some essential oils are not suitable during early pregnancy and some oils are not suitable for people who have heart conditions. Check with other people in the room first and make sure that they are happy for you to use a diffuser during your labour.
A warm or cold compress soaked in a few drops of diluted essential oil, can feel wonderful during labour. Fill a bowl with warm or cool water and drop a couple of drops of essential oil into the water. Soak a cloth or flannel in the water and then get your birth partner, Doula or midwife to apply the flannel to where you'd like it. Over the back of the neck, lower back or forehead can feel soothing and relaxing during labour, helping to reduce any tension or discomfort.
A relaxing bath with a few drops of essential oils added to a carrier, can really help labour to feel less painful and encourage the natural labour process. The warm, relaxing water can help increase oxytocin and the chosen essential oil can work its magic on the area needing attention.
Hypnobirthing and Aromatherapy
Very often when women go into labour, they can start to feel scared and anxious. This is completely natural, particularly if they were feeling anxious during pregnancy and might have heard scary birth stories throughout their life. However, this feeling of anxiety is only going to make their labour last much longer, feel harder and potentially more uncomfortable. This is because when the body is scared, it starts to create adrenaline and go into the fight-flight or freeze mode. This hormone of adrenaline is not what we want to produce during labour and birth. For labour to progress and for it to progress well, we need lots and lots of oxytocin and endorphins and we need to show the red card to adrenaline. When adrenaline is up, oxytocin and endorphins are down and vice versa.
So, how can we manage anxiety when labour begins? Well, there are various ways in which you can do this.
Hypnobirthing can be an excellent way of creating a calm and relaxed mindset. Labour and birth can be as much a mental experience, as much as it can be physical and by doing a Hypnobirthing course during pregnancy, this will teach you tools and techniques that can promote a calm and positive mindset ready for birth.
Aromatherapy and essential oils can bring a feeling of calm, particularly if using an essential oil that is known to promote calmness, such as lavender. When lavender is used during labour, this can help the body to increase that all important oxytocin hormone and reduce adrenaline.
Essential Oils During Pregnancy, Labour & Birth
Along with it's calming abilities, essential oils and aromatherapy during childbirth can also aid those physical ailments that many women experience during pregnancy and labour. Peppermint and spearmint can be a great essential oil for alleviating nausea and sickness. Mandarin is great for giving women an energy boost during labour, which if they're experiencing a long labour can be particularly beneficial. Clary Sage has shown to encourage contractions and relieve tension. Frankincense can support focus and concentration and create easier and deeper breathing. Lavender and mandarin can be very calming and uplifting and can be great to use if you have a fear of needles or anxious about having an epidural.
Essential oils are very strong and must be diluted first. Make sure that you and anyone in your birth space don't have any sensitivities or risks to using essential oils. Clary Sage must not be used before the start of labour, due to its ability to initiate contractions. Some essential oils are also not suitable at all in pregnancy and birth. It's always best to speak with a Midwife, Doula or Aromatherapist who is trained in using essential oils in childbirth.
I am a trained Doula and Hypnobirthing Teacher, who is also trained in using aromatherapy for childbirth. I can safely recommend and use essential oils with my clients and know how best to use them. If you are interested in using aromatherapy or essential oils during your pregnancy, labour or birth, then please get in touch and see how I can help you. My Birth Doula support package is an excellent way of me being able to support you and your partner emotionally and physically, offering you continuity of care and aromatherapy during your birth.
Contact me for a FREE no obligation chat and learn more about the support that I offer.
Julia x