How To Keep Cool in Summer When You're Pregnant!
When you are pregnant in summer, the warmer months can be particularly challenging. Pregnant women often find that they are much warmer than usual anyway, due to the body working extra hard to grow and support a baby. When the thermometer goes up a few degrees, this can really exacerbate those already common pregnancy symptoms. The already swollen ankles double in size, the hot sweats increase, the morning sickness intensifies and the cravings for hot spicy foods are suddenly a no, no! However, do not panic. Being pregnant during the summer is not that bad. It just requires a little bit of planning, listening to your body, dressing and eating appropriately.
So, what can you do to combat some of these issues? Check out my top 10 tips on how to stay cool in summer.
1. Stay Hydrated
Drinking lots of water during pregnancy and when you're not pregnant, is really important particularly when the weather is very hot. Drinking water helps to regulate the body temperature and prevent overheating. Aim to drink around 8-10 glasses of water a day. If you want to, you can add lemon, strawberries, cucumber or limes to make the water taste a little bit sweeter and more refreshing.
2. Dress Appropriately
Loose fitting clothing allows air to circulate around your body better. If you choose lightweight, breathable fabrics such as linen and cotton, this will also help you to feel cooler. Avoid dark colours, as these will absorb the heat more, so choose lighter colours such as whites and pale colours. When you are outside, wear a wide-brimmed hat, as this can help shade your face from the sun and make you feel cooler.
3. Use Cooling Accessories
A handheld or portable fan can help to make you feel cooler. A water spray or wet towel placed around your neck or on your face, can create instant cooling.
4. Avoid peak sun hours
Try to stay indoors during peak hours, if you can. The sun is at its hottest between 10am and 4pm. If you do go outside, try to stay in the shade and use a high factor sunscreen.
5. Take cool showers or baths
Taking a cool shower or bath can really help to cool your body down. Alternatively, soak your feet in a basin of cool water. This can be a great way to cool you down quickly and reduce any swelling in your feet and ankles.
6. Exercise in moderation
It is important to exercise, but limit your outdoor exercise to early morning or late evening, when it is cooler. Swimming can be a great form of exercise during pregnancy. It is cool and relaxing and gives your body a full gentle workout, without putting too much strain on your changing body. Always listen to your body when exercising and don't over do things.
7. Stay indoors during heatwaves
If the weather is forecasted to be particularly hotter than usual, stay indoors if possible. Use fans or air conditioning at home, to stay cool. If this isn't possible to do at home, drive out in the car with the air con on and visit the cinema, shopping centres or other public places that have air conditioning.
8. Adjust your diet
Heavy hot meals can make you feel even hotter and raise your temperature. Eat lighter, smaller meals, to help you to feel cooler. Try foods such as salads, fruits and smoothies. Foods such as cucumber, strawberries and watermelon are great choices, as they help to keep you hydrated too.
9. Rest and relax
Don't push yourself too hard when you are pregnant, particularly when the weather is hot. Take regular breaks, rest and relax. Put your feet up in a shaded, cool room. Remember that your body is working extra hard at the moment, as it grows your baby. Let it rest and recover every now and then.
10. Listen to your body
It is essential that you listen to your body. If you start to feel dizzy, faint or unusually hot, stop what you are doing. Sit down, cool your body and hydrate immediately. If symptoms persist, contact your Doctor or Midwife.
For more tips during pregnancy, check out some of my other blogs.
Alternatively if you'd like support during your pregnancy, labour, birth or the postpartum period, get in touch with me for a free no obligation chat. Find out how I can help you to have a positive birth experience and start your parenting journey in a calm, educated way.
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Julia x