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Writer's pictureJulia Kitching

Emma's Unplanned Home Birth: How A Doula and Hypnobirthing Created An Empowering Positive Birth Experience

Updated: Jan 1


Emma describes her positive birth experience as "amazing, empowering and liberating", all thanks to Doula support, understanding the process of birth and Hypnobirthing techniques .

Doula Support in a High-Risk Pregnancy - Gestational Diabetes

Following a difficult and stressful first pregnancy and birth, I made the decision to hire Julia as my Doula for my 2nd.

I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes (for the 2nd time) at 10 weeks and I knew this meant I would have a journey of care that would be directed by the hospital, and from my previous experience I knew I would need to advocate for myself much more to get the birth experience I preferred. Having an extra voice supporting and advocating for me gave me so much more confidence and reduced my anxiety.


Other than the Diabetes (which I managed with diet changes and a small amount of metformin) my pregnancy was fairly straightforward. I had the usual amount of nausea/sickness and aches and pains but no other complications. I utilised my sessions with Julia to discuss and record my preferences for during and after the birth. We talked about hypnobirthing techniques, the physiology of labour and birth and most importantly we discussed how to approach the inevitable conversation about being induced (a very common scenario with gestational diabetes!). With Julia's support and knowledge gained from the resources she shared with me, the consultant agreed that I could wait for natural labour until 40+1 unless anything changed with my health.


High Blood Pressure in Late Pregnancy

At my 38 week midwife appointment, my blood pressure was raised so I was referred to the Maternity Assessment Centre (MAC) at the hospital. I had experienced gestational hypertension in my first pregnancy which had seen me admitted several times, so I was anxious about how this would impact my birth plans. I was kept in MAC for 7 hours while they administered medication in an attempt to reduce my blood pressure. Eventually I was allowed to leave, under the condition that I returned the following morning for further checks.


On the Thursday morning I returned to MAC where my blood pressure was monitored again for a couple of hours and had my medication levels adjusted. I then had a conversation with the consultant about bringing baby sooner than 40 weeks, due to the risk of pre-eclampsia.


I opted for a stretch and sweep while I was at the hospital and provisionally booked induction for the following week at 39 weeks. The stretch and sweep revealed that I was 3cm dilated and I would just need my waters breaking when it came to inducing. I had a strong feeling I wouldn't be needing the induction though, and I was certain baby wouldn't be waiting until the following week. I was sent home at about 3pm with a blood pressure follow up booked for the Saturday morning.


From Braxton Hicks to Early Labour

I had been having (what I thought were) Braxton Hicks contractions for about a week before the stretch and sweep, and in the hours following it those "Braxton Hicks" became much stronger, but they were manageable so I didn't think too much of them. In those hours I did my normal things including collecting my son from his childminder, preparing and eating tea, cleaning up and doing my son's bath and bed routine. The contractions were getting stronger and I found myself having to stop every few minutes to breathe through one - but I still didn't think labour was imminent! At 8pm I came downstairs and sat on the sofa, my husband went to make some coffee and I decided to start timing my contractions. I sent my parents a message saying I thought maybe labour would be starting soon and they should prepare to come over, as it would probably be within the next 24 hours (they live 52 miles away so it would take them at least an hour to get to us).


At 8.43pm my contractions timing app indicated I was in 'established labour'. I called Julia and we decided that she would come and take me to the hospital, while my husband waited for my parents to arrive and be with our son, so that my husband could go the hospital and be with me.


It very quickly became clear that I wouldn't be able to wait until Julia or my parents arrived. At 9pm I called a local friend and asked if they would be able to come and sit in our house until my parents arrived, so that my husband could take me to the hospital. They only live 10 minutes away, so would be there really quickly.

Birth Plan Changed to an Unexpected Home Birth

By the time our friend arrived I was in very established labour and knew there was no way I would get to the hospital. The baby was coming! I told my husband to call an ambulance, and our friend went to get towels. I was on my knees leaning on the sofa and the contractions were coming thick and fast! The ambulance call handler was talking my husband through what to do. They were insisting that I needed to lie on my back, but I knew from the hypnobirthing techniques, that I was in the best position to birth my baby and so I continued where I was.


Julia arrived at about 9.20pm and I heard the relief in my husband's voice when she walked in. The ambulance arrived immediately after. The ambulance crew were keen to get me to the hospital, but I knew there was no time, I needed to push!


I focused on breathing and listened to my body, using a small amount of gas and air to help manage the pain. At 9.33pm my baby girl was born, with Julia and my husband by my side... and a room full of paramedics and our friend hovering in the hallway!!


Cutting The Cord & Waited For White

The paramedics were brilliant and respected my request to wait before cutting the cord. I was able to hold Isabella while we waited for it to turn white and then my husband cut the cord. I was taken to the hospital in the ambulance, Julia came with me while my husband waited for my parents to arrive (and to clean up!!).


Home Birth Baby - Isabella

Doula Support & Hypnobirthing Techniques Led to an Empowering Positive Birth At Home

It wasn't at all how I would have planned it, but it was a home birth and it was absolutely amazing, empowering and liberating! I genuinely 100% attribute that to having worked with Julia throughout my pregnancy. I learned Hypnobirthing techniques, understanding how birth works and to fully trusting my body. That combination of knowledge contributed to ensuring the experience was positive and calm for everyone involved.


I can't thank Julia enough for her support, encouragement and just being there. If you are reading this while considering hiring Julia as your Doula, please do it!


Baby Isabella Jill, born at 21.33 on 19th September 2024, weighing 7lb 7oz.

Hypnobirthing Helps With Birth Plan Changes

Emma's birth is an incredible story and an example of how birth plans can change very quickly. As Emma describes in her story, she remained calm and relaxed throughout, using her Hypnobirthing tools and techniques, trusting her body and focusing on her breathing. She was absolutely incredible and I am so honoured and thankful that I was able to be there and that the family asked me to be their Doula.

Emma's birth experience demonstrates how amazing Hypnobirthing is. Not only did Hypnobirthing techniques help Emma to remain calm and trust her body during birth, but they also helped her to adapt to the sudden change of birth plan.

If you'd like to increase your chances of having a positive birth experience, then get in touch and see how my Doula support packages or Hypnobirthing courses can help you.

Visit my website at

Julia x

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